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Storyboard That

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جربه مجانا!

إنشاء القصة المصورة الخاصة بك

جربه مجانا!

نص القصة المصورة

  • ucr
  • ucs
  • before conditioning
  • ns {computer shutting down}
  • sure cooper i would love a mint
  • would you like a mint gabe?
  • i have to shut down my computer
  • before conditioning
  • Discrimination
  • {reaches hand out while saying yes}
  • mint gabe?
  • during conditioning
  • Computer shuts down
  • gabe reaches his hand out to get a mint but there was no mint that was offered
  • gabes mouth starts to taste really bad
  • after conditioning
  • cooper powers off the computer without offering a mint
  • after gabes last experience cooper shuts off his computer and he has no reaction to the computer
  • the end.
تم إنشاء أكثر من 30 مليون من القصص المصورة