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Crime, Punishment and WitchCraft

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Crime, Punishment and WitchCraft
Storyboard That

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نص القصة المصورة

  • Mary Smith is accused of gossiping about her spouse at the markets
  • Owww!!
  • In the Middle Ages, punishment for crimes were very severe and barbaric. There were serious punishments for petty crimes.
  • Ordeal by fire - the accused held a red-hot iron and after three days if the burn was not healing than they were guilty.
  • Hey! She's feeding her chickens in the middle of the day when you're supposed to do it at sunrise! She must be a witch!
  • Trial by combat - the accused fought the accuser. The winner was innocent and the loser was punished.
  • During the Middle Ages, women were sometimes accused of being a 'witch'. Punishments for this included be burnt at the stake or hung.
  • Having suspicious behaviour could mean that you were a witch, and people believed that witches were meeting up with the devil at night.
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