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Care Moral Dilemma T4

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Care Moral Dilemma T4
Storyboard That

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نص القصة المصورة

  • Hmm, why is she crying like that?
  • I could just leave her alone, that might be good.
  • Or I could go over and help her, but my mates would make fun of me.....
  • If I help her then she might feel better, but then she might just feel worse if I stuff up... I would get bullied by my friends... but then she would be lonely...
  • $&#!!!!!
  • What if I asked a teacher to help her, then I would get the best of both worlds!
  • The Bible would say to help her, and it wouldn't say how to help her, so telling a teacher to help her would work well!
  • Yeah sure. Thanks for the help Callum!
  • There's a girl sitting next to the lockers over there crying. Could you help her?
  • That was the right choice because it meant I could stay really good friends with my mates and also get someone less threatening to help them.
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