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No more bullying

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No more bullying
Storyboard That

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جربه مجانا!

إنشاء القصة المصورة الخاصة بك

جربه مجانا!

نص القصة المصورة

  • Noor says: "That's true. Very funny".
  • Fatima started crying.
  • Maryam says: "That's wrong, do not say this about Fatima".
  • Amal says: "Look at Fatima, she wears glasses because she does not see".
  • Maryam says: " Don't worry Fatima, you are smart. Ignore what they say. Glasses do not change who you really are.
  • Fatima says: "Thank you for letting me know that. You are kind Maryam".
  • Fatima says: "I am in, I am sure I will win!
  • Amal says: "Let's compete, Fatima".
  • Maryam says: "I agree to you Fatima.
  • Fatima says: "Even if I wear glasses it doesn't mean I'm not strong enough".
  • Amal says: "Pull the rope harder, I don't want to loose Noor".
  • Fatima says: " I am happy that you admit it! and yes we can be friends, I forgive you".
  • Amal and Noor says: "We are sorry Fatima, wearing glasses doesn't mean you are weak, Can we be friends?"
  • Well said. Everyone must treat one another with respect no matter what.
  • There is no problem if someone wears glasses. Now I know that what we did was wrong. Bullying can change our life and make us bad people. We should accept all humans no matter what.
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