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the rise of dictators

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the rise of dictators
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نص القصة المصورة

  • Hitler rose to power by drawing crowds to speak his ideas to. He was a strong leader and the German people liked that.
  • Adolf Hitler
  • Tojo rose to power by using his military power to take control of Japan and become a dictator.
  • Hideki Tojo
  • After WW1, citizens were unhappy because they believed they were cheated out of land. There was also many economic problems after WW1. Mussolini used this to draw support for his party of facism and rise to power.
  • Benito Mussolini
  • After Hitler became the leader of Germany, he established the Nazi party and they took over Germany completely. Citizens were not allowed to oppose anything without going to jail.
  • If you don't do this, you will be killed.
  • Tojo used the military to enforce his extremely strict laws. He used absolute authroity when he ruled Japan.
  • After Benito became ruler of Italy, he used it to create ane xtremely strong army. He also outlawed all other political parties. He forced people to recite that he was always right.
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