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نص القصة المصورة

  • Origin of WW1 June 1914
  • Your going to die
  • Please spare me
  • Die germany
  • Germany declares war 1914
  • Stay back
  • All over one person
  • The Battle of Gallipolli
  • Take control of the beach
  • This is our land leave or we will kill you, you are invading
  • Let us have Verdun
  • In 1914, Archduke Franz Ferdinand of Austria is visiting Bosnia and is shot to death by a Bosnian Serb nationalist during an official visit to the capital of Bosnia. After the attack Austria-Hungry immediately blamed the Serbian government for the attack.
  • the battle of Verdun in 1916
  • This is our land were not letting you have France
  • 1914 after Archduke Franz Ferdinand was assassinated Austria-Hungary was mad and declared war on Serbia which led to Britain to declare war on Germany.
  • USA joins the war against Germany
  • we will attack if you blow up our ships
  • At dawn on 25 April 1915 in ottoman turkey. the Gallipoli campaign started, allied troops try to capture Istanbul to try and knock turkey out of the war. Also to control the straight to get there ships and troops to the black straight.
  • the treaty gets signed in 1919
  • thank god we signed the treaty so the war is over
  • The battle of Verdun was fought between 21 February to 18 December in the hills of France. The battle was between Germany and France, the battle lasted 302 days. France suffered 377,231 and Germany suffered 337.000 thousand deaths and is known as one of the worst fights in World War 1
  • In 1917 USA joined ww1 because Germany sunk some of USA's merchant ships.They helped Britain by bringing firepower and supplies to the war that allies needed to win the war.
  • Were friendly we are just trying to sell our items
  • in June 1919 the treaty of Versailles got signed to stop ww1 and made peace between allies and Germany.
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