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The Necklace

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The Necklace
Storyboard That

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جربه مجانا!

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جربه مجانا!

نص القصة المصورة

  • There's something for you. The Minister of Education and Madame Georges Rampouneau request the pleasure of M. and Mme. Loisel at an evening reception at the Ministry on Monday, January 18th.
  • I haven't a thing to wear. How could I go?
  • Could you lend me this one- just this and nothing else?
  • Yes, of cource.
  • Mathilde Loisel was a charming, beautiful young women, who was born into a poor family. She could afford jewelry and always dressed simply. One day she got an invitation to a reception but said she could not go due to not having the proper dress. So, her husband gave her four hundred francs to go by the dress.
  • The...the...necklace-it's gone.
  • Wait a minute. You'll catch cold out there. I'm going to call a cab...What's the matter?
  • Then Madame Loisel realized she had no jewelry to wear, so she went to her friend Madame Forestier to borrow some jewelry. She found a gold venetian cross set necklace with stones and Madame Forestier let her borrow it for the reception.
  • Later Madame Loisel arrived to the party and it was a success. She was the prettiest woman there and all the men looked at her including the minister. She danced for hours and was carried away by the fun.
  • When it was time to leave, they called a cab and went home. At home Madame Loisel realized she was missing something, the necklace. Her husband retraced the whole distance they walked, while Madame Loisel sat in a chair lifeless. When he returned, he found nothing, so they put went to the police station, the newspaper to offer a reward, and to the office of the taxi companies.
  • Her husband told her she must Madame Forestier
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