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Charlie's Adventure to the Candy Shop

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Charlie's Adventure to the Candy Shop
Storyboard That

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جربه مجانا!

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جربه مجانا!

القصة المصورة الوصف

Project for EDU 250

نص القصة المصورة

  • Charlie finally got to the shop, but there was a long line. "Oh great" Charlie said sarcastically.
  • As Charlie walked into the shop, he was amazed by all the candy. It smelled so sweet in there.
  • Charlie kept looking for the chocolate but he could not find it. "Oh no!" Charlie was upset.
  • As Charlie was about to give up, he noticed one lonesome chocolate bar on the shelf. When he got closer, he realized it was the one from the commercial.
  • Charlie's mom purchased the chocolate bar, and they headed back home.
  • Once Charlie got home, he went to the kitchen to try the chocolate bar and it was amazing! This crazy adventure was worth it.
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