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How johnny went to college

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How johnny went to college
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  • Johnathan it's about time you take life more seriously
  • By the time I get back you'd better have ten college applications done, because you ARE going to get a degree!!!
  • My mom really doesn't get me, going to school is just a scam
  • Like.. what sane person wants to go to college just to get into a ton of debt and still be broke working some 9-5 job making someone else richer?!
  • She just doesn't get it... it's so unfair.
  • Wanna know what's unfair? The fact that millions of teenagers want to go to college but miss out.
  • Not important, what is important is that I show you why you should go to college.
  • Come with me.
  • As the United States progresses there are more and more job opportunities for skilled workers opening up everyday. The problem with this is that there are not enough people who are qualified to fill these jobs. One of the main factors for this is the very high cost of education, many people can not afford the costs of college.
  • You mentioned having debt, but college is meant to provide students with the knowledge they need to start a career and become profitable within a few years.
  • I have been studying this type of thing for years, and here are just a few facts that I'm going to show to you that I've found.
  • First and foremost, the average college graduate makes a lot more money in their lifetime than a person who only has a high school degree. According to Douglas Webber, a prize winning writer for the New York Times, the pay gap between graduates and not graduates is getting larger and larger.
  • Different data is shown giving the advantages in earning potential a college degree makes. Statistically speaking, the typical college graduate will earn roughly $900,000 more than the typical high school graduate over their working life (Webber). The ratio of average hourly pay are steadily increasing for college graduates, but for high school graduates the numbers remain flat.
  • Even if you start low when you get your first job, as a college graduate you are more likely to get a higher paying job down the line as you gain more experience. And even if you don't want to work for someone else forever, what better way to earn consistent money to invest your own business than through an honest career?
  • And college isn't all about money either, a report published by the Institute for Higher Education Policy reviews the individual benefits that college graduates enjoy, including higher levels of saving, increased personal/professional mobility, improved quality of life for their offspring, better consumer decision making, and more hobbies and leisure activities.
  • Even the health and quality of life of you and your children is a proven social benefit of graduating college.
  • I actually never thought about it that way, I guess in the long run college is one of my best and safest options, and I don't have to go straight to a University, it would be smart to start at my local community college and hopefully get scholarship money.
  • Now you're talking! Theres no shame in taking the route that it best for you at the end of the day, smart money management is also another thing that separates the students who pay off their debt correctly and those who struggle.
  • We all have dreams and goals Johnny, and there is no guaranteed path to success, but college can only benefit you if you work hard and make the right decisions. It isn't a opportunity you should pass up if you have it, unless you by chance have created the next facebook or google and are set for life!
  • Well, thats enough of my spiel for now, time to wake up!
  • Woah that was weird, I must've fell asleep after mom left
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