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Storyboard That

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نص القصة المصورة

  • Zeus, king of the gods and husband to his queen, Hera, falls in love with a girl named Leto. Leto soon becomes pregnant with twins.
  • Hera, queen of Olympus is jealus of Leto and angry with her husband, Zeus.
  • Therfore, Hera curses Leto that she will never be able to give birth to her twins, as she will find that the earth will not let her rest.
  • Poseidon, god of the sea, felt sorry for poor Leto and raised an island from the sea. The island wasn't really land so Leto was able to rest there. Iris the rainbow goddess, raced Leto across her rainbow and to the island.
  • There on that lonly little island, Leto gave birth to her godly twins: the immortal siblings, Apollo and Artimis. BTW, they were born as adults!
  • Apollo became god of poetry, music, healing and the sun. Artimis became the goddess of the hunt and the moon. She was also the patroness of unmarried maidens. Leto was then made immortal and lived on mt. Olympus for enternity.
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