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نص القصة المصورة

  • "Nohbdy"
  • Nohbdy is stabbing you!
  • Sailing Away
  • Goodbye mother, I will be home soon.
  • Raiding The City Of Clones
  • Gentlemen, we are at batte!
  • A cruel joke that Odysseus played on the Cyclopes. The Cyclopes was a scary monster, but there was no need to harm him, Odysseus knows little of him. Telling the Cyclopes that his name was "nohbdy", while genius, it was also uncouth. To make matters worse, he quite literally stabbed him. Harming and destroying the creature's eye.
  • As he sails away from the treacherous island,  the shade of his mother calls out. She tells of his father, who is heartbroken. He hears of back home. This is where he longs to be. Hearing this is one of the most humble moments in Odysseus' life thus far. He realizes what is important and what means the host, realizations, only true heroes, and the bravest can come to.
  • As Odysseus tells the king, they land in Ismarus, Odysseus and his men raid the city of clones. They were allies of the Trojans and therefore, enemies of Odysseus and Greece. However, while this may appear to be heroic, this situation could have been avoided. They could've passed along peacefully. Instead, Odysseus chose to selfishly endanger his crew. The most unheroic thing imaginable. In the end, 72 of his crew men killed
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