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korean story board

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korean story board
Storyboard That

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نص القصة المصورة

  • have you heard about japan thinking out taking over our country.!?!?
  • yes, i've heard! i feel like were going to be going into a war soon.
  • do you know what started the war?
  • do you know who is fighting in the war?
  • in june, north koreans stormed across the 38th parallel to try to unite korea by force
  • the U.s and the north & south koreans!!!!
  • what started the war?
  • north koreans stormed across the 38th apparell to try to unite korea
  • the turning point in the Korean War was the decision now made to cross the 38th Parallel and pursue the retreating enemy into North Korea.
  • what was a turning point in the war ?
  • how long did the war last?
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