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Toussaint L'Overture

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Toussaint L'Overture
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نص القصة المصورة

  • Revolts
  • plantation owners in the colonies are mad and furious and fought for the "Right For Man"
  • Napoleon
  • By 1803 Napoleon was ready to get Haiti off his back: he and Toussaint agreed to terms of peace. Napoleon agreed to recognize Haitian independence and Toussaint agreed to retire from public life.
  • Napoleon vs Toussaint
  • Napoleon ordered that Toussaint be placed in a prison dungeon in the mountains, and murdered by means of cold, starvation, and neglect. Toussaint died in prison, but others carried on the fight for freedom.
  • Toussaint
  • I am more than just a slave, I am a human being deserving of dignity. I lead my country to independence.I had learned from my father who has been a free man there. I a, glad I had someone there to teach me how to read and write
  • Independence for Haitian
  • Napoleon decided to give up his possessions in the New World. He was busy in Europe and these far-away possessions were more trouble than they were worth. He has abdanded Haitian for independence
  • when he was asked about Toussaint treatemnt
  • why did toussaint get this treatment
  • What could the death of one wretched black man mean to me
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