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Roman Soldier Comic

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Roman Soldier Comic
Storyboard That

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نص القصة المصورة

  • AD 74Rome, ItalyThe hall to the restroom.
  • My name is Matt. I'm a roman soldier and recently aggregated to the Caesar's army.
  • I'm late on my first day, I'll have a quick breakfast and wait for my commander.
  • Roman soldiers have a dril everyday and practice to defend their country.
  • If your are gone be a soldier you have to train really hard.
  • We just finish our 30 km walk now we train.
  • Roman soldiers continue their jobs to improve their city.
  • Hurry up, after this road you'll finish the aqueduct.
  • Roman soldiers entertained them selves playing boardgames.
  • After I beat you in this game we can take a bath.
  • Not a chance! I'll beat you!
  • My first day just finish, now I can go to sleep and after 20 years serving the Roman Emperor I'll get a piece of land.
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