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rakel skee story board

قم بإنشاء Storyboard
انسخ هذه القصة المصورة
rakel skee story board
Storyboard That

إنشاء القصة المصورة الخاصة بك

جربه مجانا!

إنشاء القصة المصورة الخاصة بك

جربه مجانا!

نص القصة المصورة

  • Scene 1
  • Scene 1
  • Scene 1
  • Stephen and Steve are watching a movie, but are interrupted by a loud bang outside. Stephen goes to investigate.
  • Montage Scene
  • Stephen goes outside and sees a murderous man standing menacingly. He starts to approach him.
  • Scene 2
  • As he is approaching Stephen, he trips on a Stone, giving Stephen a chance to run inside.
  • Scene 2
  • Voice overs of Steve talking to Stephen about the murderous man as shots of him play sneaking around the house.
  • The murderer enters the home, Steve and Stephen run to hide. A few more montage shots play afterwards
  • Steve and Stephen hide in a closet. Stephen hears a noise, but Steve ignores him and eats one of Stephens sandwiches he found. End
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