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نص القصة المصورة

  • Napolean overthrew the governemnt through a coup. He made himself the leader of the country and introduced many reforms. He built many things and invested into science, education, and arts.
  • As leader of France through a coup I will bring great reforms including my own code.
  • Napoleonic Code
  • The Napoleonic wars were conflicts with France and uther European nations from 1799 to 1815. Napolean played a vital role in the conflicts. There were many victories and defeats for france but it ultimately ended with Napoleon's downfall.
  • Do it for Napolean and France!
  • Fight!
  • Napoleon was finally defeated at the Battle of Waterloo. This marked the end of his leadership of France. He was exiled to Saint Helena until he died in 1821. Europe was affected because there were politcal and social changes. It paved the way for the modern eara of European history.
  • Nooooo my empire!
  • This is the end Napoleon!
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