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Sleepy Hollow

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Sleepy Hollow
Storyboard That

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نص القصة المصورة

  • Sleepy Hollow pt.1
  • Hello Katrina,you look very nice! Would you like to dance.
  • SURE!!!!
  • UGH,I hate him so much. He needs to get out of my way.
  • Sleepy Hollow pt.2
  • "Throws his head at Ichabob"
  • Sleepy Hollow pt.3
  • OMG!! This is really bad. I cant find any trace of him.
  • Lady's relax we will find something.
  • I cant either. What about you chief??
  • When Ichabob arrived to the party,he was so excited to see Katrina. When he got there he asked her to dance and Brom was jealous of Ichabob. Brom thought to himself and said,"I hate him so much".
  • Ichabob left the party a little early because,Katrina was being a little distant and Ichabob felt that she was using him. On his way home he heard a rustle in the bushes,then all of a sudden the headless horseman was chasing him. Ichabob yelled for help but nobody heard him.
  • The next morning everyone was looking for Ichabob,the police were there and the town was looking to! Anytime that anybody talked about Ichabob's disappearance Brom always smiled,he never laughed about it. Brom married katrina and the town never saw Ichabob again.
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