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Alexander Hamilton and Thomas Jefferson

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Alexander Hamilton and Thomas Jefferson
Storyboard That

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نص القصة المصورة

  • Alexander Hamilton General in the army
  • Alexander Hamiltonsecretary of the Treasury
  • Alexander Hamilton death
  • Alexander Hamilton was a general in the American revolution and he led the attack that ended the war
  • Thomas JeffersonVA Governor
  • After the war Hamilton became the 1st Secretary of the Treasury
  • Thomas Jefferson Allies with France
  • Hamilton died in NJ after a duel with Aaron Burr
  • Thomas Jefferson president (for 2 terms)
  • When the Brits invaded his house he ran away but the citizens of Virginia thought he should of stood his ground
  • When Jefferson went to France he made friends with Napoleon this would come in useful when he Established the Louisiana Purchase
  • When Thomas was president the Established the Louisiana purchase (next storyboard)
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