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Visit to Dharavi (slum )

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Visit to Dharavi (slum )
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جربه مجانا!

نص القصة المصورة

  • I think they are not well educated, well dresses and are thiefs...
  • What is your perception about people from Dharavi area?
  • I think there is a wealth gap...
  • I am working and getting a fixed salary Rs. 3600 which is not sufficient to meet the ends.If I get enough, I am ready to move out from here.
  • How are you managing your livelihood?Are you ready to move fout from Dharavi if you have money?
  • People are working hard to send their children to private schools so that they don't have the same life but the schools are not taking them...around 70% are illiterrate...
  • What are the precautions you are taking to keep yourselves healthy?
  • From how long are you living here ? Who all are there in there in the family?
  • We get sick quickly, we clean, broom and mop our houses by Phenyl.  We acn't do anything about the streets because people outside throw trashes on the streets
  • There are 5 kids, myself and my mother-in-law
  • If we give money, they let us attend the school. But when they find out we are from Dharavi, they call us theivesand uneducated.
  • How are treated by the people outside?
  • When I played a prank on the principal, he called me a thug. They think we are cheap and unhygienic...
  • Outside people think that education is the best way to get out of the slum...what is your opinion?How may are educated here?
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