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kurt cobain and the church thiefs

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kurt cobain and the church thiefs
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نص القصة المصورة

  • Dude, we need money. We're literally broke and the band is not working
  • Yes bro'. You know what? I have a friend who can help us get a job
  • I can't believe you brought me to a scammer, what kind of friend are you?I will not do any of this and less to those poor people in the church
  • You told me you needed money man
  • Well, I don't care what this f*g says, I will do this job. It will bring me a lot of money
  • I'm outta here, don't ever call me son of a bi*ch again
  • Infinite thanks to these guys who made donations to the church; we really needed it.
  • You're welcome, father; but next time you should be more careful. You were lucky that I am real and help you, anyone can be an imposter.
  • Shit, I never should have done that
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