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Schwann/Schleiden Comic

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Schwann/Schleiden Comic
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نص القصة المصورة

  • The cells in the frog tissue I collected seem to have a nucleus in them. This might be worth noting.
  • This is very interesting. All of these cells have nuclei in them. Perhaps they are basic structures that make up this tulip.
  • So I found something quite interesting about animal cells in their tissue.
  • Really? I was working with plant cells and found something interesting as well.
  • Theodor Schwann was a German zoologist who was analyzing animal tissue. He discovered that the cells each contained a nucleus. This helped him reach a conclusion that the cells are the basic structure of animal organisms.
  • Hey! Our results are extremely similar! Perhaps we should talk about them even more and what they imply.
  • Meanwhile, Matthias Schleiden, a German botanist, was busy analyzing the cells in plants. He studied tulips in particular. He found that the cells in the plant each contained a nucleus, prompting him to reach a similar conclusion that the cells are the basic structure of plant organisms.
  • Can you believe it? The role of cells are the same in both animal and plant organisms!
  • We should publish our findings and tell others, because I think we just stumbled upon something big!
  • Schwann and Schleiden met to discuss their work.
  • And so, a cell can support itself but can also get together with other cells to work in units and make up a large organism
  • And that is the basis of our cell theory, which states that cells make up the basic structure of every organism
  • When comparing results, they found that they had extremely similar conclusions to each other, prompting them to talk about it more.
  • Eventually, they reached a consensus that the cells in both plants and animals were the same in that they made up the structure of the organism.
  • Schwann and Schleiden published their findings and established the cell theory, which stated that everything from flowers to humans were made up of cells. They also stated that cells were self-sufficient units that could work together to make up larger organisms this way. The cell theory effectively changed the course of biology forever.
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