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Unknown Story

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Unknown Story
Storyboard That

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جربه مجانا!

إنشاء القصة المصورة الخاصة بك

جربه مجانا!

نص القصة المصورة

  • I would love that Nick !
  • DISCO dance PARTY
  • Oh hi Mary
  • Bella do you want to dance.
  • Oh hi Nick Hi Bella
  • Oh I'm so sorry. You poor thing.
  • Let me help you up. Now why are you crying
  • My boyfriend broke up with me for Becky. He's over there with Becky right now.
  • Hi um I'm Becky. Your boyfriend or well your ex boyfriend told me he broke up with you and i am so sorry. I really hate him as much as you do.
  • Hi um I'm Becky. Your boyfriend or well your ex boyfriend told me he broke up with you. I'm so sorry. I really hate as much s you do.
  • Do you see that girl over there crying. I broke up with her just so i can be with you cutie
  • Hey my name is Beck. Do you want to dance with me cutie.
  • Oh um hi. My name is Becky. I'd love to dance with you Benny
  • Um I'm sorry as much as you are really cute. But um I don't date guys who just see a girl and just break up with their own girlfriends. I'm sorry but BYE-BYE.
  • Hey Bella do you want to dance with me after were done we can rest then we can slow dance if you want. Bella replied: Sure I would love that. Oh My Gosh then after we can dance to my favorite song. Payaso del rodeo if you want. I would love that Bella.
  • Aliyah I'm breaking with you for Becky. So see ya. Hey little girl my name is Jessica. Here let me help you up. Now why are crying? Because my boyfriend just broke up with me for Becky over there. I am so so sorry.
  • Hey cutie my name is Benny do you want to dance. Sure Benny. Wanna know something, that girl, I made her cry cause I broke up with her so I can be with you. Sorry I don't date boys who just break up with their girlfriends for someone else. Sorry but BYE-BYE.
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