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American Revolution Boston Tea Party

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American Revolution Boston Tea Party
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نص القصة المصورة

  • Tea Monopoly
  • No Thanks!
  • This is unfair! I won buy their tea! Me too!
  • Tea Act
  • What do I do to fix this?! Oh I know...
  • In 1773, the British East India Company had a monopoly on tea imports and the colonists were not happy.
  • Tea Party
  • This is how we feel about your ¨precious"tea
  • The colonists were not going to accpt that, so they decided to boycott the Companyś tea. This hurt the business really bad and much tea was just sitting in warehouses unsold.
  • News Reaches London
  • The Lord North wanted to save the company through, so he created The Tea Act allowed for the British East India company to sell tea without taxes. The colonists still had to pa taxes to sell tea though.
  • The Intolerable Acts
  • On December 16th, a group from Boston dresed up as Native Americans and dumped 15,000 pounds of tea into the boston harbor.
  • News reached King George III of England and he was angered by the destruction of British property. He coerced the British Parliament to do something in retaliation.
  • Britainś punishment for the colonists came in the form of teh Intolerable Acts. There were five of them and some of the demands in them included the closing gof the Boston Port forcing the colonists to give British soldiers shelter.
  • Closed due to boston port act
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