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Tragic Migration

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Tragic Migration
Storyboard That

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جربه مجانا!

إنشاء القصة المصورة الخاصة بك

جربه مجانا!

نص القصة المصورة

  • Yes Tom,It is starting, we(Personal) should move.
  • Dad, is World War 2 going to start?Because everyone(Distributive) is talking about it.
  • Calm down Tom. We'll try to take everything.
  • Why do you and I(Personal) have to move dad? It's not fair!
  • taxi!
  • Tom Tom
  • I(personal) hope he(Personal) can hear my dad.
  • Where do you(personal) have to go?
  • why?
  • To the dock
  • Tom Tom
  • Because World War 2 is starting and we(personal) all need to be safe.
  • Here you(Personal) go.
  • Dad,I'm(personal) going to miss home
  • Me too,But let us enjoy ourselves(Reflexive)
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