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The Nickel Boys

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The Nickel Boys
Storyboard That

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نص القصة المصورة

  • I'll do it.
  • Which one did you give it to?
  • JFK, who else?
  • Turner offers to give Elwood's letter exposing the awful things about The Nickel School to the men inspecting the school.
  • Turner brought Elwood to his warehouse loft to talk about how he had handed the letter off to one of the men inspecting the school.
  • We got to get, man.
  • We?
  • Spencer found out that Elwood tried to expose his and the school's wrongdoings. He took him to the White House for punishment.
  • After the beating, Elwood was put in solitary confinement.
  • Turner found Elwood and broke him out of solitary confinement.
  • While trying to escape, Elwood gets shot and killed. Turner keeps running, without looking back.
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