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Cell theory timeline

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Cell theory timeline
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نص القصة المصورة

  • Hooke termed the word cell for describing biological organisms, because he said they resembled monks' cells.
  • 1665Robert Hooke
  • Leeuwenhoek is commonly known as the "Father of Microbiology", as he was the first person to ever see microorganisms. He later improved the microscope, and contributed towards the establishment of microbiology.
  • 1674Anton van Leeuwenhoek
  • 1827Robert Brown
  • Robert Brown was known for discovering the cell nucleus, and gave one of the earliest detailed descriptions of the cell nucleus.
  • Jakob Sclieden was a german botanist that found cells in plants, and Theodor Scwann was a zoologist that found cells in animals. They were both co-founders of the cell theory.
  • 1839Jakob Schlieden & Theodor Schwann
  • Rudolph Carl Virchow concluded that cells were made from existing cells, because existing cells divided to form new cells.
  • 1855Rudolph Carl Virchow
  • Pasteur made significant discoveries in chemistry, including treatments and research of many diseases, and a resolution to the problem concerning the nature of tartaric acid.
  • 1855Louis Pasteur
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