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The Testing Archetypes Part 1

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The Testing Archetypes Part 1
Storyboard That

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نص القصة المصورة

  • Cia: Reluctant Hero She is forced by the government to take the Testing and she is not allowed to quit. She has helped the others and has become a hero and a leader.
  • Tomas: Sidekick Tomas stays by Cia's side throughout the story and is always supportive and believes that she will make it through the Testing.
  • Ryme : The Trickster Ryme tries to trick the other Testing candidates to eat poisoned corn cakes.
  • Michal: Sidekick Michal supports Cia's observations and realizes how smart and talented she is.
  • Dr.Barnes: Wise Old Man Dr.Barnes seems very wise and it is hinted by his gray hair. He gives wisdom and advice to Cia throughout the series of tests.
  • Zeen: Sidekick Zeen is happy for Cia but is also very jealous because he wasn't picked for the Testing. He recognizes how smart Cia is and also gives Cia his communication device unknowingly.
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