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Native American Culture and European Impact

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انسخ هذه القصة المصورة
Native American Culture and European Impact
Storyboard That

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جربه مجانا!

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جربه مجانا!

نص القصة المصورة

  • We hunt down deer by bow and arrow a weapon that we streamlined to make it more efficient
  • We cultivate the 3 sisters Corn, Pumpkins, and beans by constantly moving them around.
  • We mastered the growing of the seed by plating only the largest and juiciest seeds from the best crops.
  • Story tellers would spread knowledge of our culture and tradition because they were no written language and also they were doctors.
  • The social hierarchy and government were called chieftoms lead by a chief. Mississippians also built mounds the chief live on the highest one in a hut called wattle and daub
  • We come to America to spread the word of god. We must find gold in the New world. We shall claim land for Spain and glory.
  • We shall grow crops and and grant the mother country of Great Britain the money and materials to expand our country.
  • When the Spanish came they forcefully killed many of us and diseased us greatly and when the story tellers came to treat those who were sick they got sick and died as well killing of our culture.
  • You uncivilized peoples shall learn the teaches of god. In the name of the catholic church forget all of your spiritual nonsensse.
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