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Sustainable energy

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Sustainable energy
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نص القصة المصورة

  • Sustainable energy
  • Hello, my name is Eric. I am scientist, from Australia. Today we will talk about, how we can meet the demand for cheap and sustainable energy. Sustainable energy can meet energy demand for cheap and reduce environment.
  • To meet demand for this type of energy, we should install solar panels and wind turbines in countries where the climate allows.
  • By Daoud Almaazmi
  • Eric is starting to explain about sustainable energy
  • Explaining how we can meet the demand for cheap and sustainable energy.
  • Thank you, bye
  • Eric continues
  • We also have to built hydroelectric power plants. We should use geothermal and biomass energy.If all countries will begin to use renewable energy sources, we will significantly reduce pollution.
  • Just picture of car, ambulance and solar panels
  • The end
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