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derrick rose

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derrick rose
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نص القصة المصورة

  • the chicago bulls had to figure out how to play with one of their best players out
  • derrick rose got hurt and couldn't play
  • derrick rose lives in chicago and likes to play ping-pong
  • he is a ping-pong champion
  • rose tore his ACL and missed the 2012-13 season because of it
  • he starts physical therapy
  • he realizes its going to be awhile till he gets fully back in shape and ready to play
  • he was really sad that he can't play the rest of the 2014-15 season
  • he's back playing and tears his right meniscus 10 games into the return 
  • he now cannot play the rest of the season
  • gets kicked off the team because of to many injuries and now has to find a new team but he can't. His career is now over
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