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Causes of the American revolutionary war

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Causes of the American revolutionary  war
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  • French and Indian war
  • Boston massacre
  • Boston tea party
  • Britain wanted to capture the Ohio river valley.So they could trade furs and the farm land.The french wanted to keep it for themselves.They went to war, and Britain won.The year was 1754-1763
  • Battle of Bunker hill
  • On march 5 1770 a boy got hit with the end of a musket so he got more people. So they yelled insults and threw rocks at the British solders then the solders shot and killed 5 of the colinists. 6 solders found innocent and 2 found guilty.
  • hhhh
  • War in the north
  • Britain wanted to sell tea in the colonies to make $ but the colonies threw tea of Britain ship Into the Boston harbor.The year was 1773
  • Valley forge
  • "Don't fire until you see the whites of their eyes ."Britain went up the hill.British soldiers went 3 times and captured the fort. The year was 1775
  • Washington's army forced Britain out of Boston."I only regret that I only have 1 life to lose for my country George WashingtonWashington had to retreat then sent spies to keep track of the British . 
  • They used canteens to hold food and utensils.Knapsacks they could weigh up to 60 pounds. They would have to eat fire cake. Many solders died because of the fire cake.The year was 1777
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