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Eating Disorders

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Eating Disorders
Storyboard That

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نص القصة المصورة

  • Yes, I am hungry but I shouldn't eat.
  • Hi! Are you hungry?
  • No, it's better if I don't eat 
  • Oh, okay. But be carefull.. not eating when you are hungry will harm yourself. 
  • Thank you for the advise, but really, I can't control it, it's not in my hands
  • bye
  • bye
  • I hope, one day you will be able stop struggling with eating disorders. It's really up to you.
  • I should've listened to that lady at the restaurant, not eating really harms me 
  • I feel very sick, I am very hungry, I have barely eaten for the past 10 days...
  • FAINTS BECAUSE OF HUNGER, and people decides to take him to the hospital 
  • *DIES*
  • He has been struggling with eating disorders for the past 1 one year and his illness became stronger in the past 1 month...
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