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winter at vally forge

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winter at vally forge
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نص القصة المصورة

  • The Winter at Valley Forge (1777)
  • George Washington's Quarters
  • Soldiers Quarters
  • this is our quarters
  • The winter at Valley Forge was rough. they lost a lot of supplies. There were 2,000 log huts across a military street. They would eat a thing called fire cake which is water and flour mixed. This is where they would try to go to war.
  • Problems Faced by the Soldiers #1
  • Washington headquarters was a lot nicer than the soldiers. It was built by the Potts family. It had a fireplace and tables and chairs. This is where he would be staying for the next 6 months. This house had 4 rooms It had an aides-de-camp office, he had his own office, an aides-de-camp bedroom and Washington had his own bedroom.
  • Problems Faced by the Soldiers #2
  • When the soldiers' quarters were being built Washington requested them to put two windows for the soldiers. Each of the huts was 14 by 16 feet. There were 11000 soldiers and 2,000 huts. The soldier's huts were made of logs. They also built defensive trenches and 5 readouts to protect the soldiers.
  • Training with Baron Fredrick von Steuben
  • A problem that they faced was smallpox. Smallpox was a virus that gave you flu-like symptoms. It also has a rash that is small bluster bumps, another symptom is a headache or vomiting. It was taking down a lot of soldiers spreading throughout all the soldiers at Valley Forge Smallpox killed 2,000 soldiers.
  • Another problem they had was a lack of supplies they were running out of a lot. There was a shortage of clothes and shoes barely any of the soldiers had shoes in the winter. Imagine going a whole winter without shoes. They also did not have that many blankets. Not only that but they were on a low supply of food they would eat a thing called fire cake a mixture of flour and water. And some days they could and would not eat.
  • Von Steuben did not speak any English. The results of his training were so quick to come. He would yell at them in German and French all the time. He trained them to march, use a bayote, and follow orders quickly on the battlefield.
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