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Summative Comic Strip ( Cyberbullying )

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Summative Comic Strip ( Cyberbullying )
Storyboard That

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نص القصة المصورة

  • Lately, Cora had been getting sent really mean comments about her looks and even her smarts. Cora know this isn't all true, but it's starting to get to her head.
  • justhefacts201xx_ commented; DUDE! Why do people even follow this weirdo, she's not even cute and it's not like she could help you with your homework. I mean look at her, she looks like my food right afterI puked it up, LOLOLOLOLOL!! Anyways guys follow my account right here!
  • It wasn't shortly until her friend started to notice the changes in her actions.
  • What's wrong Cora? I mean you've been down lately, you haven't really been you....
  • Cora didn't want to talk about it at school, so she told Jasmine they should talk about it at home. It wasn't long until she broke down and lost it.
  • There's this account, justhefacts201xx_ and they've been bullying me for a while now, and it's always about my looks or smarts, I.. I JUST CAN'T TAKE IT ANYMORE!!
  • Jasmine told Cora to tell an adult about the situation, she was scared at first and wasn't comfortable when the idea. But she found the courage to go to a trusted adult her consuler.
  • I'm happy you cam to me, we'll do everything we can to fix this. Thank you for coming to a adult about this situation what's their account name?
  • Iv'e been getting cyber bullied, I don't know how to stop or get rid of it.. PIt's been going on for a while and I'm starting to think, maybe it's true..
  • Once Cora had told an adult things going a bit more smoother for Cora, she started feeling more like her self. She had npc longer gotten the mean comments anymore.
  • The girl that was bullying Cora ended up confessing for her troubles but, Jasmine didn't quite forgive her. But now the girls are all friends.
  • Im sorry about the mean comments I said about you, I wasn't thinking I was jealous of you then.
  • It's okay I forgive you I PROMISE!!
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