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Proyecto Ingles

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Proyecto Ingles
Storyboard That

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نص القصة المصورة

  • Talk, talk, talk. Bill never stops talking.
  • The tall man waited for her on the platform.
  • But she's my wife!
  • Come quickly! An accident... a young woman... Oh dear! Her brother is... is dead!
  • I never stay in one country for a long time
  • She got off the train at Plymouth. With the tall dark man
  • They smiled again, picked up their bags and walked away.
  • They couldn't hear me because of the noise in the station 
  • Come with us, please
  • Mr. Harris´s face was white too. He opened his mouth, but he couldn't speak
  • You're staying here with us, in our beautiful country
  • Carl! Come back... come back! I didn't want to kill you!
  • She didn't have an easy life with those three difficult men - her father, her brother, her husband. One year she visited her mother's family in Italy, and there she met her husband, di Saronelli. He was rich, but he wasn't a kind man. They came back to Finland, and Carl often visited their house. He wanted money from his sister's rich husband. Elena loved her brother, and gave him some money. But di Saronelli didn't like Carl and was angry with Elena. He stopped giving her money, and after that . . . well, you know the story now.'
  • You saw them, but they´re not alive. They're ghosts
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