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Revolutionary Act

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Revolutionary Act
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نص القصة المصورة

  • Stamp Act
  • $$$
  • Declaratory Act
  • Townshend Revenue Act
  • $$$
  • The Stamp Act of 1765 was the first internal tax put directly on Americans by the British Parliament. It was a tax put on all paper documents within the colonies.
  • Quartering Act
  • The Declaratory Act made the colonies dependent on the King. All the laws passed in the colonies had no effect.
  • Intolerable Act
  • The Townshend Revenue Act was taxing things colonist couldn't pay for on their own, such as paint, glass, paper, lead, and tea.
  • The Quartering Act forced some colonist to to let British troops live in their homes.
  • A group of acts put on rebellious activity in the Massachusetts colony.
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