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The story of the birds (part 1)

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The story of the birds (part 1)
Storyboard That

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نص القصة المصورة

  • Alona had finally gotten her chance to speak with the creator.
  • Are you the Creator? How did I get here?
  • Hello, Alona.
  • What? That cant be, I still have to save my village.
  • Yes I am, you were killed by the Wendigo.
  • Then I shall return as the leaves fall as a bird.
  • You still can but not in this form.
  • A few weeks later when the first leaves started to fall Alona returned along with the rest of the birds.
  • When the leaves fell they turned into various types of birds. With Alonas lead they were able to chase away the Wendigo and the rest of the animal's returned and the village prospered. The end.
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