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How Iraq Came to be

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How Iraq Came to be
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نص القصة المصورة

  • Hmm. The History of Iraq. This book seems pretty interesting. Might as well give it a try!
  • Hello Alyssa! Nice to see you as well! I am reading a book called, The History of Iraq!
  • Hello Devon! Long time no see! It's nice to see you here! What are you reading?
  • I would love to! Would you like to meet up at Coffee Café? I could get you a cup of coffee, and tell you about how Iraq came to be!
  • That seems interesting! I love history! Can you teach me some things about the history of Iraq?
  • Well, Iraq started as part of the Ottoman Empire during World War 1, which was part of the Central Powers. World War 1 was a war against the Allied Powers and the Central Powers.
  • So, how did Iraq become the country it is today?
  • After The Central Powers lost the war, the Ottoman territory was partitioned into different, smaller countries. In 1920, a treaty called the San Remo Agreement was announced. The San Remo Agreement defined the new boundaries for the countries.
  • I'm starting to get it! What happened next?
  • The Iraq we have today didn't exist during Ottoman rule, it was called Mesopotamia. It wasn't until after World War 1 that Iraq came to be. When Iraq was first created, it was made up of three colonies: Kurdish Mosul, Sunni Baghdad, and Shia Basra. In 1920 Iraq was declared a League of Nations mandate, and Iraq attained its independence as a kingdom in 1932. That is how Iraq came to be!
  • Wow! That's amazing! Thank you so much for teaching me all about Iraq's history!
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