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نص القصة المصورة

  • Beowulf's Arrival
  • We come in peace
  • Beowulf meets the Hrothgar
  • Good!!
  • Here to kill Grendel
  • Beowulf fight with Grendel
  • Beowulf and his man go to Denmark to talk to Hrothgar about the Grendel situation
  • Beowulf wounds Grendel to an extent of no survival
  • The king greets Beowulf and is happy that Beowulf is going to kill Grendel for him
  • The king praises Beowulf
  • When Grendel kills one of Beowulf's men, Beowulf gets up to fight the beast
  • Beowulf's first encounter with Grendel's mother
  • Beowulf being the strongest fighting Grendel with just his bare hands, Grendel tries to retreat and does so but not before Beowulf cuts off one of Grendel's arms leaving him badly wounded
  • When Beowulf showed the king Grendel's arm the king was relieved, but soon ask Beowulf to kill Grendel's when she came, killed and retake her sons arm So Beowulf went where Grendel's mother was staying at
  • you must also kill his mother
  • Beowulf is shocked at the fact that the mother is strong, getting overpowered Beowulf felt hopeless because his own sword gave out on him
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