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نص القصة المصورة

  • Macbeth hires two muderers to kill Banquo and Fleance as he does not want his children to become future king. They agree.
  • Kill Banquo and Fleance as they are a threat to my power, and I shall pay you.
  • Sure.
  • The hired murderers travel to Banquo and Fleance's location., a nearby forest, on horses.
  • The murderers manage to locate Banquo and Fleance and get off of their horses to kill them.
  • The murderers pursue Banquo and Fleance as they escape after seeing them and understanding that they are trying to kill them.
  • One of the murderers catches up to and slaughters Banquo, rendering him deceased.
  • The soldiers give up on their pursuit of Fleance after murdering Banquo, he fled to Wales.
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