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Substance Abuse Challenge Project

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Substance Abuse Challenge Project
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نص القصة المصورة

  • Brian is smoking in the school bathroom, it has now become a habit. Brian is only 16 years old
  • After school, Brian goes to his friend Max's house. They start drinking lots and lots of beers in secret. Brian and Max are getting very drunk, People who begin drinking during adolescence, especially those who drink a lot, are more likely to develop an alcohol dependency than those who don’t.
  • Excessive drinking in teens can lead to health problems such as lower bone mineral density, liver damage and much more!
  • Brian is suffering from alcohol poisoning due to the amount of alcohol he consumed. Heavily drinking as a teenager can cause changes to the brain that effect development and concentration
  • Whats wrong with Brian? He smells like alcohol and has been sleeping this whole class.
  • Yeah he's pretty hungover, we went really hard with the beers last night.
  • Brian is taken down to the nurse. His mom arrives and finds out from the nurse and other students that he has been heavily drinking as well as abusing substances like marijuana and cigarettes.
  • Substance abuse in teens is very harmful. Some effects on the brain are, Interfering with neurotransmitters and damaging connections within the brain. Reducing the ability to experience a pleasure. Creating problems with memory. Causing missed opportunities during a period of heightened learning potential. Ingraining expectations of unhealthy habits into brain circuitry. Inhibiting development of perceptual abilities.
  • Brian went to a rehab center for teens with substance abuse problems. He went threw mood swings and withdrawals during his treatment.
  • If you or a teen is struggling with substance abuse or addiction visit https://www.addictioncenter.com/treatment/
  • Brian got better and quit his drinking and smoking habits
  • I'm glad I got help, I was abusing substances and it could have killed me!
  • You are young and have so much ahead of you, abusing substances can be dangerous and damage your overall health.
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