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American Revolution

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American Revolution
Storyboard That

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نص القصة المصورة

  • I have also had enough of the ruling under the British Empire!
  • I'm tired of the tyrannical rule of the British King. We are being mistreated
  • We shall dump tea into the Boston Harbor as a protest against the King.
  • Man, tension is rising. I cannot believe that as a retaliation to the Boston Tea Party the government passed laws. They're intolerable!
  • I hope this is the end of this fight and it resolves peacefully on both sides.
  • We WILL fight for our freedom! We will start our American Revolution this instant at Lexington and Concord with a large war.
  • We will fight back with the full power of our army. Prepare to lose
  • Thanks for coming to our Aid France, this battle has been long and hard for everyone on each side. Hopefully it can end soon.
  • No problem! We will take any opportunity we have to see Britain lose.
  • Thankfully we were able to settle our war with this Treaty. It shall be called the Treaty of Paris and it grants us our freedom!
  • Its better to know when to cut your loses. This is goodbye for now.
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