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نص القصة المصورة

  • RMS LusitaniaMay 7, 1915North Atlantic Ocean
  • We will soon arrive in the UK  to deliver this war supplies to the british.
  • *IN GERMAN* Load the torpedoes. We know this ship in front of us has war supplies for the british army.
  • CAPTAIN!!!We are detecting german transmissions maybe from a u-boat
  • God Damn. Look at the radar and tell me if you see something.
  • *IN GERMAN* Fire when they bear (Military expression).
  • Captain there is a u-boat in the radar...¡¡¡TORPEDO!!!
  • This is our end gentleman. May Christ be with you and Godspeed (Military expression).
  • Due to the sinking of the RMS Lusitania, US declares war on Germany generating the US entry into WW1
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