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Pneumonia in Dairy Calves

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Pneumonia in Dairy Calves
Storyboard That

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نص القصة المصورة

  • Hi my name is Bessie and this is my story on how I contracted and conquered Pneumonia
  • One day Farmer Dan came home with a new calf, and he decided not to quarantine her so I would have a new friend. She came from an auction and was exposed to many different things before she met me. Her name is Dolly.
  •  Dolly and I were having the time of our lives together running around and hanging out together just being happy cows. UNTIL...
  •  Dolly and I fell Ill. We had become very tired all the time and were having a hard time breathing and were coughing on occasion. Farmer Dan had no idea what was going on
  • Farmer Dan called the vet and explained the situation that had happened over the last couple of days. She said it sounds like they have Pneumonia. She gave Farmer Dan an antibiotic to treat them with and also gave him a vaccination protocol and told him how he could quarantine animals for a little before releasing them with other animals.
  • After a couple of days, we felt normal again!  we were glad Farmer Dan helped us overcome this disease and that we could play again. I'm glad he knows how to handle the situation now and that it won't happen again!
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