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Boucle D'or et les Trois Ours Citation ou Scène Préférée

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Boucle D'or et les Trois Ours Citation ou Scène Préférée
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نص القصة المصورة

  • FAVORITE QUOTE or SCENE from Goldilocks and the Three Bears
  • One memorable scene is when Goldilocks goes into the Bears' bedroom, a place of privacy. She has already eaten their food and broken Baby Bear’s chair. She has been in the house for a while, and the reader is anxious that the Bears may be coming home soon. When she sees the cozy beds and tries to determine which one is the best fit for her, the reader anticipates the Bear’s arrival. Goldilocks is blissfully oblivious and goes to sleep.
  • Papa
  • Baby
  • Mama
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