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Great Pyramids of Giza

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Great Pyramids of Giza
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  • Menkaure(grandson)
  • Khafre(son)
  • Khufu
  • Khufu
  • Egyptologists believe that the pyramid was built as a tomb for the Egyptian pharaoh Khufu. The other two large pyramids were built for his son and grandson.
  • 479 feet
  • The Great Pyramid of Giza was once covered in polished white limestone before it was removed to build mosques and fortresses.
  • The Great Pyramid of Giza is the last of the ancient Seven Wonders of the World that is still intact. All the others were destroyed.
  • The Great Pyramid has a height of 479 feet with an average length of 755.75 feet.
  • 755.75 feet
  • The Great Pyramids were built in 2580–2560 BC on the Giza plateau near Cairo, Egypt.
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