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The Water Pollution

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The Water Pollution
Storyboard That

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نص القصة المصورة

  • Hello! I am glad that I got to meet you here. I am a bit disappointed though seeing the condition of my favourite place.
  • Hello! It has been so long since I have seen you. How have you been doing?
  • Well this place used to be my favourite spot for evening walks. But I am really upset seeing the amount of land and water pollution.
  • The Water PollutionBY:
  • Why what's wrong? What happen?
  • Can you even imagine what this garbage would be doing to the aquatic species?
  • Yes, even as I was walking down here I could feel the garbage under my feet and the smell of garbage just ruined my mood.
  • And you know a small impact on one part of the food chain is detrimental to the entire chain?
  • All these algal blooms that are building up, suffocates the species underneath and prevents the light energy from reaching them.
  • I am glad that you brought this up. We definitely need to protect our environment and keep our essential water clean.
  • Yes! I am aware of that. Maybe we should start a campaign at our school and make a small attempt of cleaning our environment.
  • Thank you for such a productive conversation. I really hope so too that we can make a difference.
  • It's late now. I guess I should be going now. It was nice seeing you. I hope our generation can bring about a positive change.
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