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Adventures with Tessa and Tim.

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Adventures with Tessa and Tim.
Storyboard That

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جربه مجانا!

القصة المصورة الوصف

Tessa and Tim's family gets back from a party. They find their place a mess. Tessa and Tim and there friends are about to solve one of there many cases. Will they find out who stole their special belonging and where he they are hiding the stolen items? Join Tessa and Tim as they make there cool inventions and use them against the thief!

نص القصة المصورة

  • Adventures with Tessa and Tim Chapter 1
  • My wedding ring, it is gone.
  • I will call the police.
  • My i pad, it's gone.
  • My trophy is gone too.
  • A few miuntes later
  • We have been robbed. We were at a party and when we came back it was all gone.
  • What is wrong?
  • Okay, Tim, I will go call them.
  • Tessa, lets invite Josh and Jan to help us solve this mystery.
  • What do you guys need us for?
  • Then why didn't you say so!
  • We have been robbed. So we needed help to solve the mystery .
  • How can we look for clues if we are just KIDS!?
  • We need to find clues.
  • Meet us here tomorrow morning.
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