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Business Organization/Market Structures: Bakery

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Business Organization/Market Structures: Bakery
Storyboard That

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جربه مجانا!

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جربه مجانا!

نص القصة المصورة

  • I've finally opened my own bakery! Though, there are others here too.
  • Anna's Bakery
  • Suzie's Cupcake shop
  • There are already so many bakeries on this street, I don't know how we'll all stay open!
  • I had to lower my prices in order to compete with the other bakeries!
  • It all depends on marketing and advertising! Although there are many bakeries, it depends on the most known business to who gets the most customers
  • That's why my bakery is so successful, but it also depends on price and quality of your products
  • So all I need to be a successful sole proprietor is to market accordingly and make good food?
  • Yes!
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