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Types of government

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Types of government
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نص القصة المصورة

  • dictatorship
  • Absolute Monarchy
  • Its crazy I could just do anything i wanted to 
  • communism 
  • hey your house look similar .......isn't everything we have kinda similar?
  • dictatorship is a form of government where one person or group of people have complete control over a population without a limit to there rule ,most commonly known from Hitlar and the Natzis.
  • theocracy
  • the lord gave us this land
  • amen
  • Most often kings have a written constitution to go along with there ruling power but not always is it used correctly since not many rulers have been confronted by that constitution when making decisions
  • oligarchy
  • Lets all settle this discussion with small vote- all in favvor raise your hand
  • Id like to thank america for this opportunity to lead this country and make it a better place
  • in simple terms all property is public and people have very similar lives when related to what they have and are given by the government 
  • republic
  • This government is run through a belief or god ,most cominaly there is a priest who rules in the name of a god.
  • small group of people that rule together making different kinds of decisions for the people 
  • the people vote on a representative to rule and run the country holding the all the supreme power from being nominated and elected into office 
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